Crack Championship Manager 01 02


Crack Championship Manager 01 02

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Crack Championship Manager 01 02 Rating: 3,1/5 7359reviews

Bullettins Ham Radio Daily News. Friday, 2. 6th September 2. SB DX ARL. ARLD0. DX news. DX Bulletin 3. ARLD0. 39. From ARRL Headquarters. Newington CT September 2. To all radio amateurs. SB DX ARL ARLD0. 39. ARLD0. 39 DX news. This weeks bulletin was made possible with information provided by. HA3. JB, ZL4. PW, the OPDX Bulletin, 4. DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL. Join the NASDAQ Community today and get free, instant access to portfolios, stock ratings, realtime alerts, and more Join Today. Autoblog Alerts Thanks for subscribing to Autoblog Alerts As content is published, well send it right to you. If you ever need to make changes, you. News, sports, features, obituaries, advertising, and special online features from the citys daily newspaper. Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7. BNM web. sites. Thanks to all. Official site for the Alberta Professional Golfers Association in Canada. Includes national zones, membership information, news, education, tournaments, and a hall. Crack Championship Manager 01 02' title='Crack Championship Manager 01 02' />VIET NAM, 3. W. Bruce is QRV as 3. W3. B from Da Nang on the HF bands. CW and RTTY. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide RTTY. DX contest. QSL via E2. EIC. BHUTAN, A5. Operators Pekka, OH2. YY and Pekka, OH1. TV are QRV as A5. O. from Paro until October 2. Activity is on the HF bands with two. CW and SSB. QSL via OH2. YY. CHINA, BY. Operators Zhang, BA3. AX, Wang, BA3. CE and Lu, BD3. AEO will. be QRV as BA3. AX2, BA3. CE2 and BD3. AEO2, respectively, from Juhua. Island, IOTA AS 1. October 2 to 5. Activity will be on 2. QSL via BA3. AX. NAURU, C2. Stan, LZ1. GC will be QRV as C2. GC from September 2. October 1. 4. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB and. RTTY. QSL to home call. ANDORRA, C3. Members of the Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans will. QRV as C3. 7NL in the CQ World Wide RTTY DX contest. QSL via. BAHAMAS, C6. Phil, G3. SWH will be QRV as C6. AYS from New Providence. Island, IOTA NA 0. September 3. 0 to October 1. QSL to home. SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5. Operators Mathias, DJ2. HD and Gerd, DJ5. IW. will be QRV as E5. HDJ and E5. 1XIW, respectively, from Rarotonga, IOTA. OC 0. 13, from September 3. October 6. Activity will be holiday. HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL to home calls. CANARY ISLANDS, EA8. Members of the Union de Radioaficionados. Espanoles plan to be QRV as EF8. U in the CQ World Wide RTTY DX. QSL via operators instructions. JERSEY, GJ. Kazu, M0. CFW is QRV as MJ5. Z and plans to be active in. CQ World Wide RTTY DX contest as a Single OpAll BandLow Power. Before and after the contest he is active as MJ0. CFW. QSL. both calls to home call. LUXEMBOURG, LX. Operator LX7. I will be QRV in the CQ World Wide RTTY. DX contest as a Multi Op entry. QSL via LX2. A. ARUBA, P4. Al, W6. HGF is QRV as P4W6. HGF until October 1. He plans. to be active as P4. HF in the CQ World Wide RTTY DX contest. Otherwise, hell be active as P4W6. HGF. QSL both calls to home. SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ5. David, OK6. DJ, Petr, OK1. FCJ and Pavel. OK1. FPS are QRV as PJ5home calls from Sint Eustatius, IOTA NA 1. October 3. Activity is on 1. CW, SSB. RTTY and other digital modes with up to three stations active. This. includes an entry in the CQ World Wide RTTY DX contest. QSL via. operators instructions. INDONESIA, YB. Members of the Orari Daerah Jawa Tengah Contesting. Team will be QRV as YE2. C in the CQ World Wide RTTY DX contest as a. MultiSingle entry. QSL via operators instructions. In addition. Gab, HA3. JB is QRV as YB9HA3. JB as part of the International Police. Association Expedition until October 7. Activity is on the HF bands. CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide. RTTY DX contest. QSL to home call. VANUATU, YJ. Members of the Quake Contesters will be QRV as YJ0. X. from October 3 to 1. Activity will be on the HF bands, including 6. CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes an. Oceania DX contest. QSL via ZL3. PAH. ALBANIA, ZA. R. C. Nikola Tesla club members Igor, Z3. ID, Mome. Z3. 2ZM, Oz, Z3. T and Venco, Z3. 6W will be QRV as ZAZ3. T in the CQ. World Wide RTTY DX contest. Outside the contest they are active on. QSL via operators instructions. SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS. W1. AW Centennial Stations W1. AW5 in New. Mexico and W1. AW7 in Idaho are QRV until 2. September 3. 0. In. W1. AWKL7 in Alaska, W1. AW6 in California and W1. AW3 in the. District of Columbia will be QRV starting at 0. October 1. They will be active until 2. October 7. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CQ Worldwide RTTY DX Contest, NCCC. RTTY Sprint Ladder, NCCC Sprint, AGCW VHFUHF CW Contest, Texas QSO. Party, UBA ON 6 Meter Contest and the Peanut Power QRP Sprint are. The 2. 22 MHz Fall Sprint is. September 3. 0. The CWops Mini CWT Test is scheduled. October 1. Please see September QST, page 8. ARRL and. WA7. BNM contest web sites for details. Tuesday, 2. 3rd September 2. DXNL 1. 90. 3 September 2. DX Newsletter. 6. DXNL 1. 95. 4 2. DARC Committee DX and HF contesting. Editor Klaus Poels, DL7. UXG. e mail dxnldxhf. Fabian Kurz, DJ1. YFK. Bruce, 3. W3. B is operating from Da Nang in CW and RTTY. Look for. him in the upcoming CQWW DX RTTY Contest QSL via E2. EIC, Lo. TW. From September 2. October 2, PekkaOH2. YY and PekkaOH1. TV will. A5. O from Paro on the HF bands. They will have two. CW and SSB. QSL via OH2. YY dB. Stan, LZ1. GC will be on Nauru Island OC 0. WW Loc. RI3. 9lk. September 2. 8 to October 1. C2. 1GC. He plans. SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via LZ1. GC dB. Members of the Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans will take. CQWW DX RTTY Contest as C3. NL. QSL via C3. 7URA dB. EA8, Canary Islands. The Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles URE in Las Palmas de. Gran Canaria EA8. URL plans to operate the CQ WW RTTY Contest. EF8. U. QSL via Lo. TW. http ea. 8url. EA9, Ceuta and Melilla. Jorge, EA9. LZ will also take part in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via EA5. KB. The 2. Accordeon festival The Night of Shell will be. TM2. 7NN from September. October 5. QSL via F5. KTU dB, e. QSL. From September 2. October 5, the special callsign GB2. Ase Developer Edition Limitations. AA. will be on the air to honour the work of the North West Air. Ambulance. QSL via GB2. AA d, e. QSL. Kazu, M0. CFW plans to operate in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as MJ5. Z. from Jersey EU 0. WLOTA 0. 81. 8 in the SOABLP category. Before and. after the contest he will be on the bands as MJ0. CFW. QSL for both. M0. CFW d. Lothar, DK8. LRF will once again operate as HK3. JCL from September 2. November 2. 2, mostly on 2. SSB. QSL via DK8. LRF dB. Watch out for a number of special callsigns on the air from September. ENIGMA 2. 01. 4 event II1. ENG, II0. ENG, II2. ENIG, II4. ENG. IR2. ENG. More information can be found on the website. Jeff, VA3. QSL will sign KH6VA3. QSL from September 2. October 3 from. Maui Island OC 0. WLOTA 0. 63. 6 and from October 4 to 1. Hawaii. Island OC 0. WLOTA 0. 06. 5 in holiday style from 4. SSB and. CW with 1. W and a buddipole. QSL via VA3. QSL, Lo. TW. HoracioLU5. BE, HenryLU8. EFF and AmaldoLU3. Installshield Premier &Amp;Amp; Express Edition on this page. AAL are planning an. Purmamarca WW Loc. FG7. 6fg as HomecallT from. September 2. 4 to 3. There has not been any serious amateur radio. Expect. them on 8. CW mostly, with some SSBPSKSSTV. On September. 2. 72. Susques WW Loc. FG6. QSL via QRZ. COM. LX, Luxembourg. LX7. I will take part in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest Multi OP. QSL via LX2. A dB. Members of the Radioclubs Grimbergen ON6. NB will use the special. OP1. 4Z in October, to remember the battle of Semse in the. WWI. QSL via ON4. GI dB. Al, W6. HGF plans to be QRV as P4. HF or P4W6. HGF from September 2. October 1 from Aruba SA 0. WLOTA 0. 03. 3 on HF in SSBCW. QSL via W6. HGF OQRS. PA, Netherlands. Watch out for PB5. REM, celebrating the 5. REM Island, a platform that was originally used as a basis for. Durch coast, and now sits in Amsterdam. QSL via PA7. DA B. REMIsland. PJ6, Saba and St. Eustatius. Mike, G4. IUF will be QRV as PJ6G4. IUF from September 2. November 2 from Saba Island NA 1. PAFF 0. 27, WLOTA 2. SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via G4. IUF dB. The SP DX Club was founded in 1. Members of. the club celebrate this jubilee with the special callsign. SP5. 5DXC. QSL via SP7. DQR dB, OQRS und Lo.